Friday, 31 July 2009

Management: How to be a worthy Manager

In this segment, I'll expand your knowledge about management and what it takes to be a good and active manager. The most important thing we have to know is that without proper management in any business enterprise, the business will encounter little or no achievements. Why is this so? This is because management is the way we arrange the organization's structure; how we want the organization to run. In the process of organizing we encounter what is called hierarchy. The need for hierarchy is best understood with the bureaucracy theory, which was most used by Max Weber. He laid emphasis on hierarchy as one of the best tool to use in an organization if at all the organization wants to achieve any form of order. Hierarchy helps the workers to observe and identify with their roles in the organization as well as work towards achieving greater positions within the organizational structure. What exactly is organizational structure? An organizational structure is a hierarchical concept of subordination of individuals who work hand in hand to achieve a common goal. This structure is usually a diagrammatic representation of form. There are a lot of diagrammatic representation of an organization but in which ever case the company chooses to show its hierarchy workforce, the most important structures of management are;
1.Top Management
2.Middle Management
3.Lower Management
The top managers are the ones that make the final decision, but nevertheless, at each class of management, the individuals that occupy them assume a particular role as managers irrespective of whether they appear in the middle or lower management. They have a responsibility bestowed on them in the overall decision making of the company and they are also managers in their own way. This implies that the management of the company doesn't just end with the top managers, but it goes ahead to leave responsibilities on other managerial segments. Yes, it is true that the top management are the number one decision makers but it doesn't mean that the middle and lower management have no role to play. Instead, they are positioned at these points so that before information finally gets to the top management, it would be already solved, and the only thing left for the executive heads(top managers) to do is to give their authorisation. The point I'm trying to bring out is that, YOU could be the one leading one group of people or the other irrespective of your position in the company, and in which case, you have to exhibit the true quality of a good manager even though you are still answerable to the people above you. It is your responsibility to show that you are worthy to be in that position. In Maslow's hierarchy of need, the overall need of every individual is the need for self actualization. To explain self actualization, I came up with this simple equation.
Set Goals + Achieved Potentials = Self actualization
When we have reached our goals and achieved our maximum potentials, beyond all reasonable doubts, the only outcome we can expect is SELF ACTUALIZATION.

  One important thing management does to people is that, it motivates them. They will want to work harder to achieve self actualization. According to F. Herzberg , there are two types of motivation factors. The hygiene factor and The motivation factor. These are the factors that affect people's attitude towards work. According to him, hygiene factors constitute job conditions; company policy, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and salary. These factors create job dissatisfaction but their presence does not motivate or create job satisfaction. The motivation factor on the other hand, are the things that actually create job satisfaction. He narrowed the list to five factors, which include: achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement. The motivation factors are exactly self actualization. If you want to feel respected, you have to show the people/workers that are looking up to you that you have reached that point of self actualization. If you really want to earn their respect, you have to show them that what ever situation they are passing through, “you've been there and done that and you excelled in that situation” and these quality, when found in you, motivates your subordinates. As a manager, you have to be able to handle every situation you may find yourself in, at least, to an extent. The worst thing that will happen to any manager is if they allow other people to solve their problems. It is your sole responsibility to cut the grass, make a path for your subordinates to follow behind, "be the one in front and let them be at the back, following your every foot step".
Management covers everything in business. No achievement can be made in a badly managed organization. As a manager you are left with no choice than to lead your workers in the right way. You can't expect your subordinates to work hard when you drink or flirt on duty. You have to ask yourself if you can really manage the activities of your workforce. Are you capable? Are you willing? Don't go asking your mother if you are capable and don't ask your best friend if you are willing. Ask yourself because you are answerable to YOU.

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